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Layer: Admin3 (ID: 3)

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Name: Admin3

Display Field: ADM3_EN

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: Soviet Regions in Ukraine <br> Users should be aware that: <br> -Admin 3 does nest with admin0, admin1 and admin4 and but admin3 does NOT nest with admin2. <br> - 18 Admin3 units exist with the same name within the same Admin2 parent. They have unique p-codes <br> - 8 Admin3 p-codes have inconsistent Admin2 p-code portions <br> - Admin3 is missing admin2 name and p-code attribution for Admin2 units "Lymanskyi" (UA14230) and "Kyivska" (UA32100) <br> - Admin3 geometry and attribution is not consistent across all Admin layers. Specifically, <br> • The Admin2 units "Baltska", "Kyivska", "Ivankivskyi" and "Lymanskyi" have inconsistent geometry nesting in the Admin3 layers <br> • Admin2 unit "Baltska (UA51102) is not represented in the Admin3 layer <br> • The Admin3 unit "Chornobylska zona vidchuzhennia" (pcode UA3222000000) does not have a subdivision for the Admin2 unit "Kyivska” (UA32100) <br> • The admin3 unit “Baltska” (UA5110200000) is attributed to be within admin2 unit “Baltskyi” but the unit falls within both admin2 unit “Baltskyi as well as admin2 unit “Baltska” <br> • Admin3 unit "Krasnosilska" has attribution for Admin2 parent “Lymanskyi" but is partially within Admin2 “Odeska” <br> • The Admin3 unit “Biliaivska” (UA5110500000) is attributed to be within admin2 parent unit “Biliaivska” (UA51105); instead, Admin3 unit “Biliaivska” (UA5110500000) covers both the admin 2 unit “Biliaivska” (UA51105) and a portion of admin2 unit “Biliaivskyi” (UA51210) <br> • The single admin3 unit “Lymanska” (UA1413300000) covers both neighboring admin2 units “Lymanskyi” (UA14230) and “Lymanska” (UA14133); the admin3 unit “Lymanska” is attributed to be only within admin2 parent “Lymanska.” The Admin3 layer does not have a polygon with the geometry of Admin2 unit "Lymanska” (UA14133) <br> <br> - There are 4 possible proper case errors in Admin3: "Chornobylska zona vidchuzhennia", "Yenakiievska miska rada", "Demyno-oleksandrivska" and "Chornobylska zona vidchuzhennia" <br> - 597 English names in Admin3 do not have a 1 to 1 relationship with their alternate language names <br> <br> Users should also be aware that this layer contains additional fields that are not standard for CODs. Specifically:<br> - ‘admin3ClassType’ (shapefile field ‘adm3Type’) a classification that reflects urban or rural area <br> - ‘admin3ClassCode’ (shapefile field ‘adm3Clas’) code values reflecting admin3ClassType. <br> - ‘admin3PoliticalType’ (shapefile field ‘adm3Poli’) a classification that reflects political and administrative significance; values are defined in the domain:KOD43 <br> - ‘admin3pcode2016’ (shapefile field ‘adm3p2016’) legacy pcodes from 2016 <br> - Similar values also exist for parent (admin1 and admin2) Class Type <br>

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MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

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Supports Statistics: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports ValidateSQL: true

Supports Calculate: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
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Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field:

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Is Data Versioned: false

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Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false

Supports Query With Historic Moment: false

Supports Coordinates Quantization: true

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