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description: Settlements in Ukraine <br> Users should be aware that: <br> - Admin4 is a places layer that does not cover the national extent. Admin 4 does nest with admin0, admin1 and admin3, but admin4 does not nest with admin2. <br> - Admin4 does not nest with the admin 2 layer and the attribution is not consistent across all Admin layers. Specifically, <br> • The Admin2 units "Kyivska", "Ivankivskyi" and "Lymanskyi" have inconsistent geometry nesting in the admin4 layers <br> • Admin2 units "Lymanskyi" (UA14230) and "Kyivska" (UA32100) are not represented in the Admin4 layer <br> • Admin4 unit "Ilichanka" has attribution for Admin2 parent “Lymanskyi" but is spatially within the Admin2 unit “Odeska” <br> • Admin4 unit "Prypiat" has attribution for Admin2 parent “Ivankivskyi" but is spatially within the Admin2 unit “Kyivska” <br> • Admin4 units "Maiory" and "Povstanske" are attributed to fall within Admin2 unit “Biliaivska" but are spatially within the Admin2 unit “Biliaivskyi” <br> • 36 Admin4 units have attribution for Admin2 “Lymanska" but are spatially within Admin2 “Lymanskyi” <br> <br> - 1,222 Admin4 p-codes are the same as their Admin3 p-codes <br> - 61 Admin4 p-codes have inconsistent Admin2 p-code portions <br> - 28 Admin4 units exist with the same name within the same Admin3 parent. They have unique p-codes. - 707 English names in Admin4 do not have a 1 to 1 relationship with their alternate language names<br> - 66 Admin4 units have holes that may represent lakes <br> <br> Users should also be aware that this layer contains additional fields that are not standard for CODs. Specifically:<br> - ‘admin4ClassType’ (shapefile field ‘adm4Type’) a classification that reflects urban or rural area <br> - ‘admin4ClassCode’ (shapefile field ‘adm4Clas’) code values reflecting admin4ClassType. <br> - ‘admin4ClassTitle’ (shapefile field ‘adm4Tit’) a classification that reflects Села (Villages) or Селища (Settlements). Values are defined in the domain :KOD403<br> - ‘admin4PoliticalType’ (shapefile field ‘adm4Poli’) a classification that reflects political and administrative significance; values are defined in the domain:KOD43<br> - ‘admin4pcode2016’ (shapefile field ‘adm4p2016’) legacy pcodes from 2016 <br> - Similar values also exist for parent (admin1 and admin2) Class Type and parent (admin3) Political Type <br>
title: Admin4
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culture: en-US
minScale: 0