Description: Populated places of Lebanon <br>
Users should be aware: <br>
- 106 records in the Admin2 unit "Baadba" have a p-code length of 9 while 2,607 records have a length of 8. <br>
- The populated place p-codes do not build off of, and are different format than the Admin unit p-codes <br>
- one place (Metrit) falls outside it's attributed admin2 unit <br>
- one place (El Horge) falls outside of it's attriubted admin3 unit <br>
Description: District or Kadda <br>
Users should be aware: <br>
- Admin2 p-codes are based on 6 Admin1 units while Admin1 p-codes are based on 8 Admin1 units, creating conflicts <br>
Description: Cadaster<br>
Users should be aware<br>
- Admin3 p-codes do not build off of the Admin1 and Admin2 p-codes and they are numeric instead of alphanumeric.