Description: National Boundary of Ukraine <br>
Users should be aware that: <br>
- Admin0 has a hole that represents the Sivash Sea <br>
Users should be aware that this layer contains an additional field that is not standard for CODs. Specifically:<br>
- ‘admin0ClassCode’ (shapefile field ‘adm0Clas’) generally a 'class code' is a code that reflects either a small or large population. Unfortunately this code is not included in any of the domain values for this dataset so the meaning or definition of this code in this layer so it is unknown.<br>
Description: Soviet Regions in Ukraine <br>
Users should be aware that: <br>
- Admin3 "Bakhchysaraiskyi" and "Sevastopol" do not nest with the Admin2 layer. <br>
- 6 Admin3 names are not unique within their Admin2: Chornomorska, Kalininska, Leninska, Mykolaivska, Oktiabrska, Pokrovska. They have unique p-codes <br> - 45 Admin3 names do not have a 1 to 1 relationship between languages.
Description: Soviet Regions in Ukraine <br>
Users should be aware that: <br>
-Admin 3 does nest with admin0, admin1 and admin4 and but admin3 does NOT nest with admin2. <br>
- See the polygon features for specific information about attribution<br>
Description: Settlements in Ukraine <br>
Users should be aware that: <br>
- Admin4 is a places layer that does not cover the national extent. <br>
- Nesting errors exist between some Admin4 units and Admin2-3.
-174 Admin4 names do not have a 1 to 1 relationship between languages.
-121 Admin4 names are not unique within their Admin3.
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