{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Settlements in Ukraine
\nUsers should be aware that:
\n- Admin4 is a places layer that does not cover the national extent. Admin 4 does nest with admin0, admin1 and admin3, but admin4 does not nest with admin2.
\n- Admin4 does not nest with the admin 2 layer and the attribution is not consistent across all Admin layers. Specifically,
\n\u2022\tThe Admin2 units \"Kyivska\", \"Ivankivskyi\" and \"Lymanskyi\" have inconsistent geometry nesting in the admin4 layers
\n\u2022\tAdmin2 units \"Lymanskyi\" (UA14230) and \"Kyivska\" (UA32100) are not represented in the Admin4 layer
\n\u2022\tAdmin4 unit \"Ilichanka\" has attribution for Admin2 parent \u201cLymanskyi\" but is spatially within the Admin2 unit \u201cOdeska\u201d
\n\u2022\tAdmin4 unit \"Prypiat\" has attribution for Admin2 parent \u201cIvankivskyi\" but is spatially within the Admin2 unit \u201cKyivska\u201d
\n\u2022\tAdmin4 units \"Maiory\" and \"Povstanske\" are attributed to fall within Admin2 unit \u201cBiliaivska\" but are spatially within the Admin2 unit \u201cBiliaivskyi\u201d
\n\u2022\t36 Admin4 units have attribution for Admin2 \u201cLymanska\" but are spatially within Admin2 \u201cLymanskyi\u201d
\n- 1,222 Admin4 p-codes are the same as their Admin3 p-codes
\n- 61 Admin4 p-codes have inconsistent Admin2 p-code portions
\n- 28 Admin4 units exist with the same name within the same Admin3 parent. They have unique p-codes. \n- 707 English names in Admin4 do not have a 1 to 1 relationship with their alternate language names
\n - 66 Admin4 units have holes that may represent lakes
\n\nUsers should also be aware that this layer contains additional fields that are not standard for CODs. Specifically:
\n- \u2018admin4ClassType\u2019 (shapefile field \u2018adm4Type\u2019) a classification that reflects urban or rural area
\n - \u2018admin4ClassCode\u2019 (shapefile field \u2018adm4Clas\u2019) code values reflecting admin4ClassType.
\n - \u2018admin4ClassTitle\u2019 (shapefile field \u2018adm4Tit\u2019) a classification that reflects Села (Villages) or Селища (Settlements). Values are defined in the domain :KOD403
\n - \u2018admin4PoliticalType\u2019 (shapefile field \u2018adm4Poli\u2019) a classification that reflects political and administrative significance; values are defined in the domain:KOD43
\n - \u2018admin4pcode2016\u2019 (shapefile field \u2018adm4p2016\u2019) legacy pcodes from 2016
\n- Similar values also exist for parent (admin1 and admin2) Class Type and parent (admin3) Political Type
", "summary": "", "title": "Admin4", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }